Resumption of teaching Covid-19


I will be resuming teaching on Wednesday 8th September. This will mean that there will be three weeks left of the term for those whose lessons are on Monday and Tuesday, and four weeks left of the term for those whose lesson is on Wednesday.

Considering the changes announced for Level 2, I will be putting in place the following requirements and actions. There is a QR code at the front door, please scan this if possible. And, I will be maintaining a written log for those who are unable to scan. In the piano room there will be some hand sanitiser which I ask all of you to use when entering. Also, on a regular basis I will be sanitising the piano keys, door handles and so on. For the younger pupils, I see that mask wearing is optional, so I will leave the decision to wear a mask or not up to the child and/or guardian. Everyone else is required to wear a mask. Lastly, the music room will be as well-ventilated as possible. Thank you for your help.

Last Saturday I had my first vaccination shot, and the second one is due at the end of September. Regarding the Concert on Saturday 25th September, I have made the decision to hold to it, however with the following provisos. There can be only one adult per player present, I ask everyone to wear a mask apart from any of the younger pupils who may decide not to and the seating in the room will be distanced according to the regulations. Hopefully it will be a lovely day weather-wise which will mean the room can be well-ventilated.

However, there is a chance that we are at Level 1 by the time of the Concert, meaning that there most probably will not be these requirements on the number of people in an enclosed space.

See you all soon.