ABRSM Piano Examinations
Examinations, Certificates etc.
A set of examination marking sheets and certificates, mostly from Hull, UK.
A short explanation of ABRSM’s medals and exhibitions in the 1930s in New Zealand.
Two Guildhall School of Music certificates from Hull, UK.
A written account of the experience of sitting an L.R.A.M. examination in April 1939.
ABRSM Miscellaneous
Initial Grade resources
A beautiful piece that exudes sonority and serenity which, although sounding simple, is actually more complex than it sounds
The ABRSM Initial piano examination was introduced in 2021 -2022 period and these are the Baroque pieces that have been in the syllabus since that date.
The ABRSM Initial piano examination was introduced in 2021 -2022 period and these are the Classical pieces that have been in the syllabus since that date.
The ABRSM Initial piano examination was introduced in 2021 -2022 period and these are the Romantic pieces that have been in the syllabus since that date.
The ABRSM Initial piano examination was introduced in 2021 -2022 period and these are the 20C pieces that have been in the syllabus since that date.
An instantly appealing and well-known piece that will engage most players.
This piece, with its jaunty rhythms and constant accentuation will appeal to those player with a good sense of flamboyance and confidence.
This piece requires of the player attention to detail with the gestures, the maintenance of the legato from one chord to the next and an acute awareness of dynamic detailing.
Grade 1 resources
A delightful piece with its murmuring L.H. patterns which support a lovely R.H. melodic line. It requires of the player an ability to control the dynamics at a lower range as well as skill in tone-matching.
An elegant and slightly mournful minuet that projects an aura of restraint but contains, at times, some surprising melodic material.
An irresistible and vivid piece that will appeal to many Grade 1 candidates. Here there is an opportunity for the player to employ a wide range of dynamics and use a variety of touches and articulation.
An evocative piece that requires subtlety, nuance and control of the dynamics. Whilst it may not appeal to all players, those who do learn it will find it to be a satisfying piece to learn and play.
A delicate and serene piece that requires of the player attention to balance, control of dynamics and tone-matching throughout.
A quirky and unique piece that will instantly appeal with its calypso rhythms and interesting articulations.
A stately and dignified dance which has a number of intricacies and details that must be observed.
A wonderfully nostalgic piece, that although sounding uncomplicated, contains a surprising level of sophistication.
An instantly appealing piece which is wonderfully evocative and expressive that requires considerable restraint and control of dynamics.
A charming and dainty piece, that even when louder dynamics are used does not lose its elegant and graceful character.
This piece vividly describes the dance with its breathless opening, relentless enthusiasm and energy and dramatic dynamics.
A bold and dramatic piece containing fast mercurial changes which has no difficulty in maintaining the listener’s attention.
One of Turk’s engaging pieces from his “Sixty Pieces for Aspiring Players” which exudes poise and elegance with a dance-like quality.
A satisfying minuet to play with its contrasting themes, alternating between a bold and energetic one to a lyrical and gentle one in the first and third sections.
An elegant piece, reminiscent of a minuet, with beautiful melodic connecting patterns that connect one phrase to the next.
A delightful piece, which manages to capture the essence of these mercurial insects, is very satisfying to play.
A list of some of the 20C pieces that have been in the ABRSM Grade 1 piano syllabus over a number of years.
A list of some of the Romantic pieces that have been in the ABRSM Grade 1 piano syllabus over a number of years.
A list of some of the Classical pieces that have been in the ABRSM Grade 1 piano syllabus over a number of years.
A list of some of the Baroque pieces that have been used in the ABRSM Grade 1 examination syllabus.
A beautifully serene piece with moments of restrained determination that is quite difficult for the grade.
A delightful and satisfying piece to play that is charming to both the listener and player.
A brief summary of the pieces contained in the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music (ABRSM) Grade 1 B section Piano Examination 2019 - 2020.
A brief summary of the pieces contained in the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music (ABRSM) Grade 1 A section Piano Examination 2019 - 2020.
Grade 1 continued
An infectious and fun piece with its syncopated rhythms and unexpected twists and turns.
A delightful piece that requires a thoughtful and delicate performance with considerable control of the dynamics and attention to the tone-matching.
A lovely piece that requires control of the dynamics and tone-matching throughout.
An elegant and delightful piece that is satisfying and rewarding to play requiring attention to detail and evenness of the quaver patterns.
An amazingly descriptive piece which will benefit from the creation of a story to accompany it.
Grade 2 resources
A beautiful piece with a slightly haunting character that requires of the player considerable skill with tone-matching and dynamic control.
A cleverly written piece that evokes the flying of a bee flitting from flower to flower before departing.
An exciting and dramatic piece that requires of the player confidence and a degree of flamboyance.
A relaxed and easy-going piece that requires of the player a degree of flamboyance and a desire to employ a wide range of dynamics.
A satisfying piece to play with flowing melodic lines containing a number of ‘twists and turns’ on the way.
This tango never fails to please; it requires excellent dynamic and rhythmic skills coupled with independence of hands and a flair for drama.
This hornpipe, which contains a variety of rhythmic details, syncopation and melodic details, is a satisfying piece to play.
A fun and exciting piece with its twists and turns which would be an excellent way to finish the exam.
This bold, lively and vigorous piece, containing many areas of contrast, will engage the player.
A beautifully restrained meneut from the Anna Magdalena Notebook that is full of conflicting emotions.
There are some technical challenges contained in this piece, however the study of this piece will be rewarding considering its relentless energy and direction.
A fun and exciting piece that requires a confident player to be able to negotiate the sudden changes and semiquaver patterns.
An elegant and graceful minuet that will be a rewarding playing and performing experience.
A happy and serene piece that calls for evenness in the both the melody and accompaniment.
A list of some of the 20C pieces that have been in the ABRSM Grade 2 piano syllabus over a number of years.
A list of some of the Romantic pieces that have been in the ABRSM Grade 2 piano syllabus over a number of years.
A list of some of the Classical pieces that have been in the ABRSM Grade 2 piano syllabus over a number of years.
A list of some of the Baroque pieces that have been in the ABRSM Grade 2 piano syllabus over a number of years.
A companion Sonatina movement for Beethoven’s Sonatina in G Anh. no 5 with its contrasting themes and dramatic flourishes.
A satisfying introduction to the Sonatina for any player. Although it is unknown whether or not Beethoven wrote this Sonatina, it should not be overlooked.
A hauntingly beautiful and mercurial piece that requires legato interval playing, cantabile tone production and careful tone control and matching.
This piece was last in the ABRSM syllabus in 2015 - 2016. Its cheerful and energetic character continues to ensure that this piece remains popular amongst those learning the piano.
This is a piece that is included in the 1725 notebook and until 1970, it was attributed to Johann Sebastien Bach however it is now thought to have been written by Christian Petzold.
This beautiful menuet, Menuet in G minor BWV Anh. 115 by Petzold from the Anna Magdalena book was an exam piece in the ABRSM Grade 2 piano syllabus in 2011 and 2012.
This is a piece that I have taught many times over the years. It never fails to impress both the young and the older.
Grade 2 continued
A stunningly beautiful piece with its winsome bird calls interspersed with moments of sheer exquisiteness and grace.
A beautifully poignant song that requires of the player the ability to control the dynamics within a quiet range, as well as skill with tone-matching.
What an amazing piece this is with its dramatic flourishes and suspenseful moments. The player would benefit from creating a story to accompany the piece.
A delightful and charming piece which, although sounding uncomplicated, has many technical and expressive details that have to be realised when playing the piece.
An incredibly fun and exciting piece to play with its constant changes and surprises.
A beautiful and elegant Minuet (although called an Air) that requires an appropriate tempo that imbues the music with grandeur and space.
A heart-warming piece with its beautiful melodic lines which although present in the R.H. throughout are at times in the L.H. too. Considerable skill is required with the balance between the hands, the control of the dynamics and the application of subtle rubato.
Grade 3 resources
A lively and energetic piece that has considerable variation and interest packed into a few bars.
A piece with a bittersweet character that would benefit from having some words created to accompany the playing.
An elegant and uncomplicated piece that requires of the player a beautiful cantabile melody balanced with a chordal accompaniment.
A delightful piece which exudes calm and restraint, most of the time. Tone-matching and control of dynamic levels will be important aspects when playing this piece.
A lively, energetic but slightly mercurial piece that challenges the player with its attention to detail throughout.
A charming and delicate piece that requires the ability to project a slightly melancholic character, often within a piano dynamic.
A charming and delicate piece that is instantly appealing with its cantabile melody and lyrical qualities,
This Hornpipe has energy and vitality which, although containing many complexities, is rewarding and satisfying to play.
One of the most exciting pieces to play in the piano repertoire however it will present some challenges for some players.
This arrangement of the Eagles song, Desperado captures the poignancy of the original song.
The irrepressible and opportunistic character of Top Cat is vividly portrayed in this Grade 3 piece.
A fun and exciting piece to play with its use of a wide range of dynamics and syncopated patterns.
A charming and delightful piece that requires attention to detail and control of dynamics.
An exquisite and heart-wrenching piece with its constant changes of character and dynamics along with part-playing in the LH.
A well-known piece by Sir Edward Elgar that demands sophisticated pedaling skills and careful control of dynamics.
A list of some of the 20C pieces that have been in the ABRSM Grade 3 piano syllabus over a number of years.
A list of some of the Romantic pieces that have been in the ABRSM Grade 3 syllabus over a number of years.
A list of some of the Classical pieces that have been in the ABRSM Grade 3 piano syllabus over a number of years.
A list of some of the Baroque pieces that have been in the ABRSM Grade 3 piano syllabus over a number of years.
A beautiful and exquisite piece that calls for dynamic control, delicate pedalling and tone matching throughout.
A beautiful and exquisite piece that will provide satisfaction for both the listener and player.
A satisfying piece to play with its strong harmony, energetic rhythm and beautiful melodic lines.
This piece has been present in the Grade 3 syllabus before in the 1999 - 2000 syllabus. It is also part of the AMEB piano syllabus too.
This piece is always a winner; I have never found anyone who does not enjoy and respond to this mercurial and spontaneous piece.
One set of notes is short; outlining the various categories that are essential in conveying the character and story of the music to the listener.
Grade 3 continued
An elegant and stately piece that has reminiscent touches of Mozart and Handel with its cheerful melody and satisfying cadential points.
A deceptively simple piece that demands of the player the ability to constantly change approach and thinking.
The title of this piece is wonderfully illustrated with its rippling triplet patterns juxtaposed with spacious chordal patterns culminating in a very satisfying ending.
Grade 4 resources
A bright and lively piece with its relentless optimism and energy that any player would enjoy learning and playing.
An extremely fun and satisfying piece to play that is energetic and engaging in character.
An analysis of one of the most sublime pieces of music written for the piano.
Benda’s Sonatina in A minor is an exciting and exhilarating piece to play with its constant changes of mood and style.
A lovely delicate and expressive piece that requires considerable skill in the playing of the melodic line which contains many ornaments.
An exciting and flamboyant piece that requires of the player the technical ability to play semiquaver patterns at speed with evenness and assurance.
Without a doubt a particularly memorable piece with its sudden changes of dynamics and melodic content.
A wonderfully relaxed yet surprising piece that appeals to many players.
This is a piece that appeals to all players with its quirky and mercurial character.
This is a stunning romantic piece with its long melodic lines and contrasting material. The player must have a degree of flamboyance and confidence to enable the character of the piece to be portrayed.
A charming and delightful piece that contains many complexities for the player. There is material that is repeated, therefore the player must provide interest for the player through the application of dynamics, articulation, use of pedal, tone-matching and so on.
A bold, energetic and stirring sonatina movement attributed to Beethoven, that requires careful control of dynamics and attention to detail throughout.
This sonatina movement, with its sweet and cheerful character, is a most satisfying and enjoyable piece to play.
An instantly appealing piece with its use of syncopation and mercurial changes of articulation and dynamics combined with a relentless energy and momentum.
This piece is a beguiling waltz which will require of the pianist the ability to play a cantabile melody with both hands, often swapping between the hands in quick succession
A serenely beautiful piece containing a melancholic character, poise and melodies which are haunting and elegiac.
An exquisite piece full of pain, longing, frustration and the anger of childhood loss.
One of the most exquisite and beautiful exam pieces I have encountered.
A Grade 4 piano piece, Shenandoah in the ABRSM 2021 - 2022 syllabus
A list of some of the 20C pieces that have been in the ABRSM piano syllabus over a number of years.
A list of some of the Romantic pieces that have been in the ABRSM Grade 4 piano syllabus.
A list of some of the Classical pieces that have been in the Grade 4 piano syllabus over a number of years.
A list of some of the Baroque Grade 4 pieces that have been in the ABRSM Grade 4 piano syllabus over a nubmer of years.
Comments on all of the pieces Grade 4 ABRSM piano 2021 - 2022.
GRADE 5 resources
A list of some of the 20C pieces that have been in the ABRSM Grade 5 syllabus over a number of years.
A list of some of the Romantic pieces that have been in the ABRSM Grade 5 syllabus over a number of years.
A list of some of the Classical pieces that have been in the ABRSM Grade 5 syllabus over a number of years.
A list of some of the Baroque pieces that have been in the ABRSM Grade 5 syllabus over a number of years.
Grade 6 Resources
A list of the Grade 6 Baroque pieces that have been in the ABRSM syllabus since 1981 as well as a few pieces from earlier years.
A list of some of the Classical pieces that have been in the ABRSM Grade 6 syllabus over a number of years from 1981 as well as a few pieces from earlier years.
A list of the Grade 6 Romantic pieces that have been in the ABRSM syllabus since 1981 as well as a few pieces from earlier years.
A list of the Grade 6 20C pieces that have been in the ABRSM syllabus since 1981 as well as a few pieces from earlier years.
GRade 7 Resources
A list of the Grade 7 Baroque pieces that have been in the ABRSM syllabus since 1981 as well as a few pieces from earlier years.
A list of some of the Classical pieces that have been in the ABRSM Grade 7 syllabus over a number of years from 1981 as well as a few pieces from earlier years.
A list of some of the Romantic pieces that have been in the ABRSM Grade 7 syllabus over a number of years from 1981 as well as a few pieces from earlier years.
A list of the Grade 7 20C pieces that have been in the ABRSM syllabus since 1981 as well as a few pieces from earlier years.
A list of the Grade 8 Baroque pieces that have been in the ABRSM syllabus since 1981 as well as a few pieces from earlier years.
A list of the Grade 8 20C pieces that have been in the ABRSM syllabus since 1981 as well as a few pieces from earlier years.
A list of some of the Romantic pieces that have been in the ABRSM Grade 8 syllabus over a number of years from 1981 as well as a few pieces from earlier years.
A list of some of the Classical pieces that have been in the ABRSM Grade 8 syllabus over a number of years from 1981 as well as a few pieces from earlier years.
Following are some thoughts (in no particular order) that I have put together from a number of years’ experience of teaching.
It has come to my attention that the interval section in the Grade 4 ABRSM theory book may require a little more explanation for some theory learners.