Photos from personal collection.
Temuka Band Rotunda
Temuka’s Band Rotunda was built in 1940 in the Temuka Domain in a classical style and was designed by T. Devine. It is octagonal in shape and there are capping stones present at each angle of the balustrading. On the 8th December 1940 the band rotunda was opened by the Mayor, A. W. Buzan.
From the information that is available online this band rotunda does not seem to have a roof installed. The Timaru District Council’s Historic Heritage Item Record Form has a photo taken in 1943 of the official party in the band rotunda when the Governor-General Sir Cyril Newall visited Temuka. This document states that ‘originally mooted as the town’s Centennial project, the structure was considered too costly for the township and was instead erected by the Temuka Municipal Band’. It also states that it was built as a rotunda but since it was uncovered, it might more accurately be thought of as a bandstand.
As early as 1911 there is a mention of a Coronation Band Rotunda as in the Temuka Leader of the 18th July 1911 it informs their readers that ‘the Licensed Victuallers’ Association forwarded a donation of £5 to the Coronation band rotunda fund’.
The Temuka Leader dated the 19th September 1940 states that work had commenced on the new band rotunda. It states that ‘the reinforced concrete foundation has been completed, and work will be commenced on the superstructure as soon as the material arrives. The sides of the rotunda will be decorated with panels of coloured wood. The walls will be four feet high with the floor inset about half-way. The Timaru District Council Record Form discusses the fact that the wood panels were not used in the building of the rotunda.
At the Temuka Borough Council monthly meeting there is discussion concerning the erection of a band rotunda in North End Park as reported in the Temuka Leader dated the 20th January 1927.
At the committee meeting reported on in the Temuka Leader dated 26th June 1928 there is comment about the need for a band rotunda. One committee member states ‘that places not half the size of Temuka had band rotundas’.
The band rotunda is discussed in the Temuka Band Committee meeting as reported in the Temuka Leader of the 12th July 1928. At that time the Chairman thought that it would cost about £250 however also at that time the band required new instruments that would cost about £100. It was suggested that the committee prepare specifications and work out the cost of a suitable rotunda and to ‘confer with the Domain Board regarding erecting it in the Domain’.
On February 9th 1929 there is an article headed “Musical Items” which discussed the Temuka Band. In the second paragraph the article states that there is a need for a band rotunda in Temuka. Some of the bandsmen present stated that they were willing to provide labour for the erection of the rotunda. Also, it was felt that the Borough Council could meet £1 for £1 the money raised by the Band. It was remarked’ in the course of the conversation, that Waimate had an excellent rotunda, and the band there was much below the playing standard of the Temuka Band’.
The Committee meeting of the Temuka Band is reported in the Temuka Leader dated 19th February 1929. It was decided to find out the cost of material for a band rotunda and to also write to the Waimate Band ‘asking for particulars of their rotunda, with a view to having one erected on the Temuka Domain’.
In the Temuka Leader on the 2nd October 1930 there is an article concerning the Temuka Municipal Band where Mr A. W. Bazan was unanimously elected Chairman for the coming year. An interesting part of the article tells of the band wishing to obtain a copy of The Mikado No. 1 selection brass band arrangement however Charles Begg was unable to oblige. At this committee meeting there was an agreement to open a Post Office account that would be used for any money collected for the building of a band rotunda with the Chairman and the Secretary taking charge of the account.
The Temuka Leader dated 8th August 1931 discussed the annual report of the Temuka Municipal Band. The band had given concerts in other towns as well as giving recitals in aid of charity in Temuka. By that date the committee had collected £19 12s for the building of a band rotunda.
On the 4th February 1932 the Temuka Leader tells how there has been no progress regarding the building of a band rotunda in the Temuka Domain. This article states that ‘the Domain Board will really gain as much as the Band from the erection of an attractive rotunda in the Domain’. It goes on to suggest that the Domain Board could raise some of the money using a national art union or share the art union with other societies.