New interval cards

There are many aids I use when teaching intervals in my piano studio. Here is an example of one of these aids that I have recently made during these last holidays. These reinforce the learning and application of intervals of a fourth and a fifth in a student’s playing of their music. Prior to using these cards, the intervals of a second and a third would have been learnt and reinforced. When using these cards, the student could name the direction of the interval and the interval itself, name the finger numbers used in each set, names the notes of each set and/or play the pattern on the piano.

The student should be encouraged to read notes in relation to each other and also as a group as a whole. In a group, the student could use an ‘anchor’ note to refer to at any given time. Ask questions that faciliatate the student’s awareness of the intervals they use in their playing - are there any repeated notes, what does a second look like, have you played this note before and if so, what finger did you use and for example, if you used a number 4 finger when playing this note, what finger would you use when playing the following note.

In my opinion, the reading of music using intervals is a very important skill to learn. In most cases, apart for the very early beginner, I start the lesson with some kind of sight reading and/or note learning. And, a duet played together at the start of the lesson can be part of the sight reading activity too.
