
Term One 2021 and end of term Concert

In two weeks’ time I will commence teaching for 2021. The first term consists of 11 weeks, starting on the 1st February 2021.

There are two statutory holidays that occur during the first term, Waitangi Day and Easter. Waitangi Day will be observed on Monday 8th February and Easter starts of Friday 2nd April. The Tuesday after Easter is a school holiday too.

The holiday at the end of the first term starts on the 17th April and continues until the 2nd May. This holiday includes the 26th April, the day that Anzac Day will be observed.

Our end of term Concert will be held on Saturday 10th April at 4:00pm at 12 Ridgeway Place, Richmond Hill.

Christmas Concert 5.12.20

Thank you to you all for coming along to support the players this afternoon. We heard a lovely range of Christmas and other music and everyone played well considering it was the first time that most of you would have done this. It is also great that the music room and the adjoining room are able to accommodate a number of people.

Below are a few photos of the room prior to everyone arriving and one of the players before we started the Concert.

Term Four 2020

Term 4 2020 will be starting next week, the 12th October. The term will end on Friday 18th December, so the term will be 10 weeks long. Labour Day falls on the 26th October.

I will be starting my end of term Concerts this term. The date for this Concert will be Saturday 5th December at 4:00pm. I am asking my students to prepare one piece they will play by themselves and one as a duet, possibly with a Christmas theme.

Xmas Concert 2020.jpg